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A Danish study has revealed that redheads are more sensitive to the cold and are more likely to suffer from toothaches. However the findings also indicate that gingers are less susceptible to skin pain and can handle hot food, Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报导,丹麦科学家的研究表明,红头发的人对于严寒更为脆弱,也更容易牙疼。但他们还找到,红头发的人对于皮肤上的疼痛不怎么脆弱,且不怕食物烫手。Professor Lars Arendt-Nielsen, one of the researchers, said: Our tests showed that redheads are less sensitive to this particular type of pain. They react less to pressure close to the injected area, or to a pinprick. They seem to be a bit better protected, and that is a really interesting finding.研究人员拉斯阿里蒂逖说道:测试表明,红头发的人对于这种尤其的疼痛不过于脆弱。
他们对于静脉注射处近旁的压力或者针刺的反应不过于反感,就样子他们被维护的很好一样。这个找到真是太有意思了。It is estimated that 2 percent of the worlds population is redheaded. 据估计,全世界有2%的人享有红色的头发。
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